The Ayurvedic Lifestyle

 Healing your body and mind with Ayurveda

📅  5th of April 2025
📍 Bluebirds West

Regular Ticket – €50,-
Bluebirds Member Ticket – €40,-

Are you already a members? Send us an email to receive the discount code at

Please send us an email with a confirmation of your payment at in order to sign up for the event.

Cancelation policy:
You can cancel the class 48h before it starts.
The cancelation is not equal with a refund.
Tickets are non-refundable. Every sale is final.
Please reach out to for any questions

Do you want to learn from the oldest health education system on the planet and create a yogic lifestyle for yourself? During this workshop Sabrina will show you what Ayurveda is and what is its origin. You will learn about the 5 elements and how these make up the three Doshas. Next to it, you will find out what your unique Dosha constitution is (the prakruti) and what to do when it is out of balance. Together we will dive into the impacts of certain ayurvedic foods on the doshas and you will taste the most common ayurvedic herbs. The workshop will finish with a Yoga and meditation routine to balance the Doshas which you can incorporate to your daily routine.

How to Prepare:

  • Wear comfortable, relaxing clothes.
  • Bring your notebook and the Ayurveda constitution sheet, which will be emailed to you before the workshop.
  • Feel free to bring any questions you might have!

What the Afternoon Will Look Like:

14:00 – 14:45

  • Objective and Origin of Ayurveda

  • Panchamahabhuta (The 5 Elements) Theory

  • Tridosha Theory: Vata, Pitta, Kapha

14:50 – 15.35

  • Concept of Prakruti (Birth Constitution) and Vikruti (Current Imbalance)

  • Ayurvedic Perspective on Food: The Ayurvedic Diet

15.50 – 16.00

  • Ayurvedic Snack Break

16.00 – 17.00

  • Dinacharya: Ayurvedic (Yogic) Lifestyle

  • Yoga and Meditation

About Sabrina

Sabrina has been practicing Yoga and Meditation for about 10 years. By now yearly trips to India are part of Sabrina’s life where she was able (next to Yoga) to learn and practice this ancient healing technique, called Ayurveda. Ayurveda has brought Sabrina many healing benefits and now she wants to share her knowledge with as many people as possible. She studied Abhyanga Massage (Ayurvedic Oil Massage) and Ayurvedic Diet and Lifestyle and now next to being an experienced Ashtangi and yoga teacher, Sabrina offers Ayurveda consultation and Ayurvedic Massage appointments.

Contact details 

+31 622 801544