Ontwerp zonder titel-82


Yoga and especially Yin Yoga helped me to discover that there is another world besides me and my thoughts.
For years I was trapped in this world of doing, living from my mind. Going from one thing to another which worked very well in my Corporate career, which I had for 20 years. I started practicing yoga in 2009 and in 2012 I had my first Yin Yoga class which felt very confronting at first. Being still in a posture for a longer period of time noticing all these sensations within my body, all these little whispers and stories. As if my body had a language of its own. Which opened up a new way of living for me. Listening more to what my body needs instead of what my mind is telling me.

The Yin Yoga teacher training in 2019 was the start of a whole new journey. I learned so much about my body wisdom.
Which opened up a longing in me that I wanted to live more intuitively and also to help others to reconnect with their body. Resulting in retraining myself with studies like Restorative Yoga, Holistic Therapy, Family constellations, Voice dialogue and Reiki.
I decided to quit my Corporate career to teach yoga and start my own Holistic Coaching practice.

Within my classes you will experience that the stillness of the Yin asana’s will open up your body, the world inside of you.
A world that is always there but that is sometimes so hard to hear in this busy world. Come and join me in my class. I will guide you in a gentle way to help you to listen to the beautiful whispers within.


Yin & Reiki, Yin & Mindfulness