“Take what you need, leave what you don’t.”
For Hannah, yoga is sacred space where we can remember to breathe and find freedom to explore. It is space to unstick ourselves and find relief; space to move with or through whatever is going on for us in that moment; space to meet and connect with ourselves again and again. She does not believe in being ‘right’ or ‘good’ at yoga and her more slow, considered & accessible approach to teaching reflects this. She also runs her own coaching practice, TAKE, and feeds a lot of her tools and perspectives from this work in to her classes. You can find her teaching a gentle and unravelling Relax Flow, every Tuesday evening at 18.30 at Bluebirds West; covering mindful and restful Yin Nidra classes; or a slow, strong and playful Superflow from time to time.


Relax Flow, Yoga Nidra, Super Flow